Pump monitoring system

Monitoring industrial pumps is highly challenging. Unexpected events like power outages, variations in the transferred fluid can lead to a pump failure at critical times. With remote monitoring, pump operators are provided real-time alerts on operating conditions, which maximizes the efficiency of the pump. If the pump reaches critical operating points, the remote monitoring system immediately alerts the pump operators. The remote monitoring system also provides operators with real-time data to accurately diagnose the situation and take the necessary corrective action.

Another massive benefit of remote monitoring systems is that it reduces maintenance and travel costs. It prevents the need to drive to remote locations to constantly monitor pump operating conditions.

Benefits of Remote Pump Monitoring

• Predict Equipment Failures Before They Occur
• Monitor vibration
• Monitor pressure
• Monitor current voltage and amperage
• Monitor pulse counts and run times

Water Monitoring and Metering Applications

A.Power Failure Monitoring
Power failures stop pumps from running which can lead to overflows, drops in pressure, or loss of water service.

B .Pump Run Time Monitoring
Remote Monitoring devices automatically provide run time stats on your pumps.

C .Pump Draw Down Monitoring
Utilizing custom algorithms specifically written for pump and lift stations, our web-based software calculates your pump draw down stats and logs them for future reporting and/or automatic notifications.

D .Tank Level Monitoring
Tanks leak, a small leak may be neglible, but large leaks can be detrimental. Our system interfaces with any 4mA – 20mA output or use our submersible I-Level measurement tool. Monitor tank levels, collect your data for later, and receive notifications when a problem arises. It’s like having a full time operator at each of your tanks, water towers, reservoirs, and pumps.

E .Current Flow Metering
Our easy to install and highly accurate current switch interfaces with your equipment to provide pump amperage data for predictive maintenance. The signal is used to detect conditions such as over or under loads, excessive wear, broken belts, and mechanical failure in motors and pumps.

f .Water Flow Metering
Use an external flow meter with our Crystal Ball monitoring device or rely on our custom algorithm that calculates Gallons Per Minute automatically based on draw down time and tank level.

G .Pressure Monitoring
The EPA estimates 240,000 water main breaks occur each year. Water breaks, if left unattended, waste valuable water. They also create a low water-pressure event, which has been linked to self reported stomach ailments

H .Rain Level Monitoring
Our rain collector interfaces with our Crystal Ball and XR50 units to provide accurate levels down to .01″. This data can be used to setup automatic triggers or alerts

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